Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Gender Pay Gap is the difference in the average hourly rate of pay between all relevant fully paid men and women in a company. This is not the same as equal pay, which is the difference in pay between a man and a woman who carry out the same work in a company. It is influenced by a range of factors, including the demographics of a company’s workforce. The UK Government requires all employers with 250 or more employees to disclose their gender pay gap on an annual basis with an aim of creating awareness and promoting greater gender diversity.
Volution Ventilation UK is a division of Volution Group Plc and operates within the ventilation sector. Our results of the gender pay gap analysis are set out below and are based on hourly rates of pay as at the ‘snapshot date’ of 5th April 2021. The hourly pay figure used to calculate the difference includes allowances and shift pay.
% difference Mean | % difference Median | |
Hourly rate of pay | 22.60% | 14.20% |
Paid bonus | 88.10% | 18.80% |
- The mean gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly pay for women compared to men, within a company.
- The median represents the middle point of a population. The median pay gap is the difference between the hourly pay rate for the middle woman compared to that of the middle man.
Population by pay quartiles represent the pay rates from the lowest to the highest for our UK employees split into four equal sized groups, with the percentage of men and women in each quartile.
Our analysis shows us that:
- The difference in average hourly pay between women and men in VVUK reduced to 22.6% in 2021 v/s 30.4% in 2020. Whilst this is a substantial improvement, we recognize that there is still some way to go to bridge the gap.
- The gap in bonus payments are due to the fact that the majority of bonus payments in our business are sales commissions and our sales force is predominantly men.
- There are no differences in pay rates for different genders occupying equivalent roles.
- Employees that work unsociable night shift hours are generally male, and this attracts a higher pay rate.
Our commitment:
- To actively address the overall gender balance in the organization with a focus on sales force.
- To assess and rectify the imbalance in the upper and upper middle quartile pay band.
- To review policies and programs with an aim to attract and develop female talent at all levels in the organization.
- To foster a culture of inclusion where our female employees can thrive.
I can confirm the data reported is accurate – Michelle Dettman, Group Head of HR.